Transition Pathways offers
A Gathering of Men Retreat
Understanding Masculine Energies:
Our Struggles and Strengths in Changing Times
May 3-5 2013 Bishop Lane Retreat Center Rockford, IL
While masculine and feminine characteristics are very different,
nature meant them to be complementary
The terms masculine and feminine are often misunderstood, undervalued and misused.
This retreat is for men seeking greater awareness and use of their own masculine strengths and qualities along with ways to better understand and incorporate feminine wisdom and strength in their lives.
In the spirit of fellowship and understanding this retreat seeks to enhance our perspective and actions with ourselves and others. our retreat intent is to explore together the following topics and by way of discussion, exercises, experiential learning and integration.
Main topics
True meanings and cycles of masculine and feminine aspects: How this is changing our world today
Historical perspective of masculine and feminine energy: How it manifest in cultures and human systems
Understanding how our perceptions limit our true masculine characteristics
Exploring our resistance to looking at ourselves and discovering other discovering other masculine characteristics
The feminine energy: Why do I repress feminine aspects
Discovering the importance of achieving masculine and feminine balance toward and integrated self
Weekend includes meditations, being in nature, soulful reflection and fellowship
Bishop Lane Retreat Center is 5 miles southwest of Rockford, IL The center has 200 acres of landscaped and wooded areas with full dinning, sleeping and workshop accommodations. Item required personal hygiene items, notebook, pen, open mind and heart.
Retreat facilitator: David Schroeder, LCSW & David Poust, MDiv
Fee: $180.00 includes retreat accommodations, meals and materials
Retreat time: Fri. May 3 6:00 pm to Sun May 5 3:00 pm
Limit: 18 open and seeking participants
Pre-registration required, deadline April 29th $75.00 desposit required at time of registration.
For more information contact David Schroeder @ 815-238-4521, email: [email protected] or David Poust @ 815-238-6584 email: [email protected]
David Schroeder, is a clinical and spiritual social worker and life coach in private practice, he has over 25 years experience in the clinical and personal development fields David has been leading men’s groups and retreats for the past 7 years.
David Poust, is a United Methodist Pastor, he has served various congregations in Northern Illinois for the past 15 years. David has extensive experience in various healing modalities, spiritual guidance and men’s retreats.